
What am I about? Well, I’m a stay-at-home dad and been so long enough that retired is probably a better description. The former was certainly willingly; the latter, not so much. I used to be a geologist in the energy industry and before that a hydrogeologist in the environmental industry. Now, I’m a bonafide homemaker.

I started blogging in 2014 mostly due to encouragement from select family and friends. I’d long been writing them letters detailing my life adventures and, well, what stranger wouldn’t want to hear about that? Most, apparently.

I wasn’t too keen on exploiting my kids, so being a dad blogger quickly fell by the wayside. Lots of other things I wrote about didn’t garner any interest. It wasn’t until I started writing campground reviews that I start to generate traffic.

My family camps a lot and I like to find new spots for each outing. Visiting the same campground year in and year out doesn’t appeal to me. I’m stuck in the same suburban house the rest of my time, so I seek variety when I’m out exploring.

These campground reviews, along with the odd travel and attraction post, are the only thing keeping this blog going, though I still toss in some random nonsense once in awhile. I’ve written over 100 campground reviews thus far. I hope you enjoy them. More so, I hope they help you.

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