A few years back, gosh it’s got to be six at least now, a cousin visited and left my family a legacy of sorts, not to mention a valuable lesson regarding first impressions. At the time these visits were fairly commonplace. His work, though mostly conducted from his home, was headquartered here in Calgary and […]
9 Strange Foods I Ate As A Kid
Considering the love affair we had with wood paneling and the preponderance of green, yellow, and brown kitchen appliances, it should come as no surprise that food was different back in the Seventies and Eighties. Everyone was still blissfully unaware of the damage processed foods were potentially doing to our bodies. People could still smoke […]
Crude Awakening
“It builds character.” These words of encouragement, long-favoured by well-intentioned relatives and friends, cycled endlessly in my mind as I sat behind my faux-wood desk in my soon-to-be-former cubicle on the west side of the fourteenth floor of Gulf Canada Square in suddenly not-so-opportunity-filled Calgary. I was numb. A few minutes prior, my phone had […]
The Best Breakfast Cereals of All Time
A grotesque injustice has befallen the breakfast cereal industry and it’s been perpetrated by the very makers of this beloved morning staple all in a wholly ill-advised and utterly stupid attempt to cater to the nouveau health-conscious. I recently purchased a package of Alpha-bits, something I hadn’t done in quite some time. Alpha-bits is an […]
I Finally Broke Up With An Old Flame
Dear Crystal; It’s not you, it’s me. I know. That’s hardly original. Sorry. But it’s true. It is me. This is difficult enough without having to be creative on top of it. I’ve just … changed. And you … haven’t. Not that that’s a bad thing. Hell I wish I was still the same guy […]
8 Cornerstones of the Teenage Diet
Few of us would ever deny that the teenage years are tumultuous. But once we’ve put sufficient years between them and our present, they start to shine in a different light. And that light is mostly couched in awe. Awe derived from a newfound appreciation for the remarkable lifestyle we effortlessly sustained during this brief […]