Know Thy Golden Handcuffs

Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”  The man was centuries ahead of his time with that meme-worthy nugget.  He was Facebook before Facebook was cool.  Or invented.  He was also full of shit. Truth is, knowing yourself is the beginning of depression.  And self-loathing.  Knowing myself has never so much as … Read more

There’s No Vaccine for Layoffs

You think you’re immune, until you discover you aren’t. In February 1995, god that’s nearly thirty years ago, I grew up in a hurry.  Or at least my budding work persona did.  I was one of five wide-eyed geology students freshly fallen from the Ontario turnip truck in the early weeks of eight month, co-op, … Read more

13 Bits of Advice for Future Stay At Home Dads

A few weeks from now I mark my ninth anniversary of being a stay-at-home dad, or SAHD if you’re really into horrible acronyms.  That is damn near a decade!  I’m also well past those demanding first years of my children’s lives, those years before the glorious respite that is grade school.  The ones that society … Read more

What If The Dukes of Hazzard Had Been A CBC Show?

Imagine, for a moment, an alternate universe where Canada is the dominant entertainment production force on the planet rather than the United States of America.  Everything about the two countries is exactly as it is now the only exception is that Hollywood is in Vancouver and the major television networks dominating North American television since … Read more