I’m too smart by half. We planned to do an early-in-the-week camping trip down to Castle Provincial Park back in June and had three campgrounds to choose from; Castle River Bridge, Castle Falls, and Beaver Mines Lake. Almost immediately, I tossed Beaver Mines Lake from the competition. There was no beach. It’s a mountain lake […]
Castle Falls Campground – Castle Provincial Park – review
There exists a universe where we camped at Castle Falls Campground. This is not that universe. It was close, though. For a few lingering minutes I had even placed a Castle Falls campsite in my checkout cart. We’ld spend one night at Castle River Bridge and a second night at Castle Falls. But when it […]
Sibbald Lake Campground – Sibbald Lake PRA – review
Ah, there they are … mosquitoes. I knew we’d run into them sooner or later. Not as bad as the infamous horror show that was Portage La Prairie, mind you, but present in sufficient numbers to be annoying once the sun started to set. Sibbald Lake Provincial Recreation Area for the not so desirable win. […]
Indian Graves Campround – review
Who says growing old is all bad? Sure, it sucks in a lot of ways, but sometimes there are unforeseen benefits to that faltering short-term memory. Unlike with forgetting why you went to the kitchen by the time you get there, a memory while you’re out for a drive can lead to unexpected discoveries. And […]
Chain Lakes Provincial Park – review
Recently, two months of pandemic-induced self-isolation inspired a couple nights of backyard tenting for me and my son, overnight thunderstorm included. It was a delightful experience that had me reminiscing about my childhood summers at Sauble Beach where my sister and I spent our nights in a canvas tent alongside the family travel trailer. Overnight […]
Interlakes Campground – Peter Lougheed Provincial Park – review
If ever there was a campground that might induce a total rethink of my first-come-first-serve aversion (FCFS), Interlakes Campground in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park would be it. That’s saying something, because my aversion is strong. If you’ve been following along with my sequence of reviews on the campgrounds of Peter Lougheed Provincial Park, you’ll know […]