8 Cornerstones of the Teenage Diet

Few of us would ever deny that the teenage years are tumultuous.  But once we’ve put sufficient years between them and our present, they start to shine in a different light.  And that light is mostly couched in awe.  Awe derived from a newfound appreciation for the remarkable lifestyle we effortlessly sustained during this brief … Read more

Buffets and the Reality of Aging

It’s not a buffet if you don’t go back for more. That was the official motto for corporate lunches at a small exploration company where I once worked.  Every so often we’d venture from our headquarters to the retail area of a nearby gentrified neighbourhood to enjoy a modest selection all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet.  When the … Read more

Canada’s Appalling Lack of Pride in Restaurant Names

This past summer (2015 for future readers) my wife and I packed up the kids and embarked on one of the great lost family rites of passage from the last century; the cross-country road trip.  We spent six weeks on the road with our little camper driving from Alberta to Ontario, touring around the childhood … Read more

My 7 Favourite Atari 2600 Games

I recently read Ready Player One, the best-selling first novel by author Ernest Cline.  This book became somewhat of a phenomenon a few years back, particularly in the geek world.  Building on the current coolness of all nerd pop culture thanks to shows like The Big Bang Theory and Community, Ready Player One tapped into … Read more