There’s a first time for everything. This is absolutely true except for when it’s not. Forget things I have no intention of doing like, say, seeing how many ball bearings I can stick up a nostril; the dime scare of 1980 was enough nostril adventure for one lifetime, thank you very much. Forget also the […]
Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park – review
And the wind cries, “who the hell would want to live here?!?!” This is what courses through my mind every time we head to Southern Alberta for camping. If you’re going south of Calgary you just can’t avoid the wind. Places like Lethbridge and Pincher Creek are famous for it and for good reason. Those […]
Little Bow Provincial Park – Review
Victoria Day. The long weekend with the antiquated name, unless you use the more colloquial May Two-Four, marks the unofficial start to summer for Canadians. There are spring cleaning and summer projects, sure, but more importantly BBQs and camping. Unless, of course, you live in Alberta where we’ve become all too familiar with everything from […]
Dillberry Lake Provincial Park – review
Our visit to Dillberry Lake Provincial Park did not originate as a planned weekend camping trip. Realizing that our return home from Prince Albert National Park was a ten plus hour drive, we decided to break up the trip into two shorter five hour stints. Once that was decided, we further chose to include an […]
Cypress Hills Provincial Park – review
Calgarians may look east to vent their political frustrations and mainstream media angst, but when it comes to recreation they inevitably gaze westward. Be it Alberta’s own Kananaskis Country and Rocky Mountain parks or further afield in the summer playgrounds of British Columbia like the Okanagan, Shuswap, and Invermere, it’s hard to blame them for […]
Crude Awakening
“It builds character.” These words of encouragement, long-favoured by well-intentioned relatives and friends, cycled endlessly in my mind as I sat behind my faux-wood desk in my soon-to-be-former cubicle on the west side of the fourteenth floor of Gulf Canada Square in suddenly not-so-opportunity-filled Calgary. I was numb. A few minutes prior, my phone had […]